Affiliated to CBSE, Affiliation No. CBSE/AF/1630003

Admission Regulations

Good education is a process that brings about desirable growth in the student - the growth that one is able to see and evaluate from year to year. Various kinds of growth must take place in the process of school education.
  1. Registration to Lower Kinder Garten (L.K.G.) class is made in October-November every year as per the Principal’s Circular.
  2. The age of the child seeking admission to LKG in the year 2024 should be between 4 to 5 years as on 31 March 2024. (Born between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020). Submission of the application form along with the original Municipal Birth Certificate / a Baptismal Certificate / Notified Area Council Certificate( in the case of Christians) is mandatory.
  3. New admission to other classes will be made subject to the vacancies in each class in the month of March after the annual results.
  4. Students who seek admission to other classes in this school are required to submit their original date of birth certificate in addition to their school leaving certificate showing their date of birth.